Home ITCUT Science Communication Club

UT Science Communication Club Sharing science communication experiences to foster strategic skills

On Thursday 13 March, from 12:30 – 13:30 hours, we invite researchers in all stages of their career to join the first Science Communication Club at the premises of the University of Twente.

Nowadays as researchers we are increasingly expected to communicate our science to a wider audience, to engage in dialogue with citizens and other actors, or pitch our research for funding to a non-specialist audience. Science communication is an integral part of our responsibility to society. As with any skill, practice makes perfect—and progress is faster when we share our experiences.

In the new UT Science Communication Club, one or two researchers will share a science communication practice in a brief presentation (5 to 10 minutes), followed by a moderated discussion. The sessions will focus on sharing practical tips and tricks, as well as discussion of the underlying strategies and relevant findings from science communication research. The Science Communication Club is open to researchers at all levels —from PhD candidates and early career researchers to professors with extensive experience in science communication and engagement.

Practice examples 13 March

Initiators of the new SciCom Club, dr. Anne Dijkstra and dr. Heather Handley will each present a science communication practice whereafter a moderated discussion will take place to deepen insights from science communication theory.

Dijkstra is a science communication scholar studying the dynamics of science communication. Next to her work she volunteers in organising successful Science Cafés in Deventer (monthly, with 100 – 120 citizens per evening) and recently, a special edition Science Café Noir (with 250 participants sold out).

Handley is a volcanologist who will share her experiences presenting for television and radio. She is Co-Founder and Director of the international film and video Earth Futures Festival. Recently, she won the 2025 Katia and Maurice Krafft Award for her science communication efforts from the European Geosciences Union.

A new initiative from the Research Centre for Science Communication and Engagement

The UT Science Communication Club is an initiative of dr. Anne Dijkstra, associate professor at BMS  and  dr. Heather Handley, associate professor at the ITC faculty and is part of the activities that the Research Centre for Science Communication and Engagement offers. The Research Centre for Science Communication and Engagement aims to increase attention to science communication practice (e.g. by trainings), while simultaneously support that practice with insight from science communication research. By sharing experiences, supported by insights from theory, we, as researchers, can improve our science communication skills —an essential endeavor in a society increasingly impacted by disinformation and the frequent dispute of scientific findings.

Time and venue: Thursday 13 March from 12:30 – 13:30 hours in DesignLab (Conceptualize)

Registration is not necessary. Please share the message. You are invited to contact us when you have a science communication practice to share. Organizers: Anne Dijkstra, a.m.dijkstra@utwente.nl and Heather Handley, h.k.handley@utwente.nl

Other dates for 2025

  • Tuesday 6 May 12:30 – 13:30
  • Wednesday 2 July 12:30 – 13:30
  • Thursday 2 October 12:30 – 13:30
  • Thursday 11 December 12:30 – 13:30

For PhD students: it it possible to earn a certificate of 0.5 EC by attending 5 meetings and presenting / discussing an own example. 

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