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Celebrating Excellence in Education UTQ Certificates Awarded to ITC and ATLAS Faculty Teachers

On Wednesday, 26 June 2024, three ITC faculty teachers and two ATLAS programme teachers received their UTQ certificates. Freek van der Meer, Dean of ITC, Heleen Miedema, Dean of ATLAS, Chrissa Manoli and Daniëlle Aagten from CELT, congratulated the participants on their successful completion of the trajectory but also pointed out that they were contributing to the quality of education within the Faculty. 

The candidates who received their certificates experienced their ‘UTQ journey’ as a challenging learning process but stated that it’s definitely valuable for their further professional career as University teachers. We are extremely proud of our dedicated teachers who deliver high-quality and innovative education to our students. Once again, we congratulate the teachers on this milestone. Good luck! (v.l.n.r.) Kishore Sivakumar, Martin Streng, Paulo Raposo, Yue Dou and Egor Prikaziuk.