Home ITCNew video: What is it Like at ITC
Simon Pruijn

New video: What is it Like at ITC Students' Comic Chronicles at ITC in the Netherlands

In this funny video, students talk about their comedic experience when they travelled to study here at ITC in the Netherlands. From their experience with the lunch to landscape and the interaction with teachers. This video gives you a small peek into the student life here with a humorous touch.

Shining as stars in this video are our students: Liza, Belise, Pritam & Wibi, Sriram and Oyetun!

If you wish to learn more – on a serious note – check the other videos about our programmes:

► Master Spatial Engineering:
 Master's Spatial Engineering in 10 minutes
► Master Geo-information Science and Earth Observation:
 Master's Geo-information Science and Earth Observation in 10 minutes