The Faculty Geo-Information and Earth Observation Science (ITC) is recently granted with two Tailor-Made Training (TMT) Plus for Bangladesh (EUR 381K) and Sudan (EUR 399K) funded by NUFFIC – the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education.
The first TMT+ is a collaboration with the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) for a training project with the theme of ‘Open Source Scientific Computing for AgroGeospatial Big Data Analysis’. “The dream of Bangladesh is to become a digitally developed nation by 2021. This is known as ‘Digital Bangladesh’ or ‘Vision 2021’”, mentions Dr Md. Golam Mahboob, Senior Scientific Officer at BARI.
Dr Golam, together with Prof Andy Nelson (Department of Natural Resources (NRS)) and Dr Rolf de By (Department of Geo-information Processing (GIP)), designed a training program that includes a project-based application that will immediately apply the training skills to real use-cases in different BARI research divisions. The training is designed based on the ‘Learning Skills Pyramid philosophy’ to improve research, methodical and technological skills at BARI (and affiliated organisations) in data-intensive analytical work on food production systems that will allow the use of big data technology. The training program will be supported by CIMMYT Bangladesh.
in collaboration with The Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC), ITC will implement a training project in Sudan on Capacity strengthening for gender-responsive and sustainable urban development. The project is called Integrated Deprivation Area Mapping System for Displacement Durable Solutions and socioeconomic reconstruction in Khartoum, Sudan (IDeAMapSudan).
This training project is initiated by four female scientists: Dr Monika Kuffer (Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management (PGM)), Sabine Vanhuysse (ULB), Dr Nuha Eltinay (Displacement Durable solutions - Urban Resilience) and Dr Caroline Kabaria (APHRC). The project was initiated during the World Urban Forum (Abu Dhabi, 2020) and is a spin-off of two ongoing projects of Dr Monika Kuffer (NWO VENI grant) and Sabine Vanhuysse (SLUMAP)
The Orange Knowledge Programme is a €195-m Dutch global development program available in 53 developing countries and managed by Nuffic, a Dutch non-profit organisation for internationalisation in education. Launched mid-2017, it aims to have provided tens of thousands with the possibility to change their future through education and training by mid-2022.
For more information about the projects, please contact: