ILWIS Documentation version 3
The links in this page are also available at the 52North site, in the section on ILWIS 3.0 documentation. At 52North there is also documentation available for newer versions of ILWIS.
ILWIS 3.0 came with a fully updated User's Guide.
The ILWIS 3.0 User's Guide is intended for those who want to know how ILWIS 3.0 is used in basic GIS and Image Processing operations. It trains the skills you need to work with ILWIS, including explanations and procedures for first time users in addition to topics for more advanced users. It provides numerous exercises to practice GIS techniques and Image Processing operations and can be used both by persons that want to learn how to work with ILWIS by themselves, or in a course environment.
- When working with the ILWIS 3.1 software, see the document: How to use the ILWIS 3.0 User's Guide with ILWIS 3.1
- For advanced case studies, please use the ILWIS 2.1 Applications Guide
ILWIS 3.1 and beyond
Data (.ZIP, 679 kB) | |
use same data as above | |
Unesco-Rapca, Capacitación en SIG, Ejercicios SIG (in Spanish) Dos ejercicios básicos y 12 casos de estudio para el análisis de amenazas, vulnerabilidad y riesgo (texto + datos) | |
Calculation of hydromorphological parameters for a catchment Determinación de parámetros y características hidrogeomorfológicas de una cuenca | Data (.ZIP, 1.0 MB) |
ILWIS 3.0 User's Guide
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By simply clicking the links in the table above, you can:
- Directly view text an individual chapter of the ILWIS 3.0 User's Guide on your screen as a .PDF file.
- Download text of an individual chapter of the ILWIS 3.0 User's Guide as a .PDF file. To view or print the contents of a .PDF file, you need to have installed Acrobat Reader.
- Download text of all chapters of the ILWIS 3.0 User's Guide as a .ZIP file. The .ZIP file contains all .PDF files of the ILWIS 3.0 User's Guide.
- Download data of exercises described in a chapter of the ILWIS 3.0 User's Guide as a .ZIP file. A data .ZIP file contains all ILWIS maps and tables to start the exercises of a ILWIS 3.0 User's Guide chapter. To extract files from a .ZIP file after a download, you need to have installed 7-Zip.