Become a high-skilled geospatial professional
TimelineFrom January 2024 to 1 January 2028
ThemeSmart cities
Project typeOther
Funded byEC European Commission
More infohttps://xtremeitu.dk/

In this project, we remove these limitations by providing a mixed reality (MR) solution that, instead of requiring the participant to be physically present in the venue, brings the concerts and performances to a remote location via mixed reality technology while retaining the immersive experience, and even giving additional dimensions to it by mixing real and virtual content. Our solution also allows for virtually shared, realistic experience together with the selected social circles of the user. The solution removes the geographic limitations as by the mixed reality solution the concerts and performances can be accessed virtually from anywhere and they hence are more inclusive for people with limited access. Likewise, providing a global access to the art and music provides a globally wide audience for musicians and artists while the number of seats are not limited by the size of the physical venue. As this solution removes the necessity to travel to the concerts and performances, it provides a greener alternative to the traditional way of accessing a music and art experience.

More information
Go to the XTREME website

Contact persons

Y. Yang
Project leader
P. Pasha Zadeh Monajjemi MSc
Project officer
Global impact
Smart cities

Contemporary urbanization is accompanied by a variety of challenges with regard to the quality of urban life. At ITC, we develop tools, devices and infrastructures for addressing pressing urban issues such as basic service provision, disaster risk reduction, urban mobility or urban poverty.

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