TimelineFrom January 2017 to 1 January 2021
ThemeResource security
Funded bySTW

A large challenge in the urbanizing world of the 21st century is the proper maintenance and rehabilitation of the buried sewer system. Intelligent use of multi-disciplinary, multi-level data that will be collected within this project from the integrated use of different inspection techniques, each focusing on their own specific scale, may be part of the solution. Integration of these datasets into a “smart” subsurface information system (SIS) will provide sewer asset managers with an invaluable instrument for sustainable and targeted management of their sewage system. Via the SIS, the approach integrates thermal infrared and ground penetrating radar remote sensing as well as robotic observational techniques for an objective assessment of the sewer condition at multiple stages, thereby contributing to bringing sewer asset anagement to the next generation.

Contact persons

dr.ir. W.J. Timmermans
Project leader
dr. D.C. Chavarro Rincon
Project officer
Global impact
Resource security

The world on which we live provides a fascinating palette of vital resources and services. How can people use these resources in a responsible way? ITC, as a knowledge partner, supports society in answering this question, through scientific research and collaboration with data providers and users of geoinformation.

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