TimelineFrom October 2016 to 14 October 2019
ThemeUrban Futures
Funded byErasmus+ Programme of the European Union
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SES helps Ethiopian cities to solve problems related to housing poor urban communities by supporting these communities rather than evicting them from their informal settlements. In offering alternatives for sustainable management and prosperous development of low income living quarters SES contributes to prevent further migration as creating livable residential areas forrms the most crucial basis for upward social mobility of the affected poor urban communities.

The objectives include:

Contact persons

dr. J.A. Martinez
Project leader
Global impact
Urban Futures

Geo-information technologies provide essential tools for understanding and managing the complex socio-spatial dynamics of urban development. By leveraging GIS, remote sensing, digital planning tools, AI, and Digital Twin models, we support stakeholders in designing targeted interventions that promote long-term urban sustainability, climate adaptation, and improved quality of life. Our commitment to responsible geo-ethical frameworks ensures that these technologies respect local communities, protect privacy, and follow the ‘Do-No-Harm’ Principle.

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