ThemeUrban Futures
Funded byNetherlands eScience Center, NWO
More infohttp://www.dynaslum.com/

Today, over half of the world's population lives in urban areas and by the middle of this century 7 out of 10 people will live in a city. This increased urbanization has also lead to more and more people residing in deprived areas, generally known as slums. The proliferation of slums is a worldwide challenge since people face inadequate shelter, poor sanitation, insecure tenure, insufficient access to health care and in general poor quality of life.

The DYNASLUM project builds high-resolution agent-based models that help describe growth dynamics of slums in Bangalore, India. Such models create digital representations of slum dynamics that policy- and decision-makers and researchers can use to explore how different policies would influence the growth, emergence or disappearance of slums.

The project is also developing a decision support tool that potentially can assist experts in evaluating or designing policies to improve conditions within slums. This involves developing new computational methods for processing and analyzing satellite images, complex-system modelling and new data visualization techniques for simulation steering.

Through extending an existing decision support prototype, and applying it to a new domain of slum policy, the project aims to generalize the current software into a reusable software framework for decision support and disseminate it to other users.

ITC is a collaboration partner in a consortium that is led by the Computational Science Lab of the University of Amsterdam.

Contact persons

prof.dr. K. Pfeffer
Project leader
Global impact
Urban Futures

Geo-information technologies provide essential tools for understanding and managing the complex socio-spatial dynamics of urban development. By leveraging GIS, remote sensing, digital planning tools, AI, and Digital Twin models, we support stakeholders in designing targeted interventions that promote long-term urban sustainability, climate adaptation, and improved quality of life. Our commitment to responsible geo-ethical frameworks ensures that these technologies respect local communities, protect privacy, and follow the ‘Do-No-Harm’ Principle.

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