Home ITCGlobal impactGeo-healthProjectsWater and health security in Europe’s marginalized communities

Water and health security in Europe’s marginalized communities through integrated social, geographical, medical and technological approaches

Address a range of global health issues in our online course Geo-Health


October 2024 - September 2025



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Vulnerable groups at the margins of societies in Europe, such as Roma people, often live in informal settlements, where they are excluded from access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and waste management. Understanding the extent of related high health risk, and providing assistance through targeted interventions, are complicated by the invisibility of this group, and the inaccessibility of reliable, up-to-date information.

We aim to improve the acquisition of information on water insecurity and related health risks among Roma communities and develop an innovative assessment system that integrates social, medical, geoinformation, and earth observation science methods.


Anthonj, C., Dadrass Javan, F., Ihnacik, L., Blišťaň, P., Papajova, I., 2024. Strengthening water and health security in Europe’s marginalized communities through integrated social, geographical, medical and technological approaches (HealthyWatersIntegrated). Newsletter Working Group Medical Geography 2(2024), 8-10.

Anthonj, C., Setty, K.S., Ezbakhe, F., Manga, M., Hoeser, C., 2020. A systematic review of water, sanitation, hygiene and environmental health among Roma communities in Europe: Situation analysis, cultural context, and obstacles to improvement. Int J Hyg Env Health 226 (113506). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2020.113506

Anthonj, C., Stanglow, S., Flacke, J., Dadrass Javan, F., Ihnacik, L. Strengthening water and health security in Europe’s marginalized communities, presented at 20th International Medical Geography Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia, US, 15-19 July 2024.

Contact person

Project leader
dr. C. Anthonj (Carmen)
Associate Professor of Water, Health and Decisions

Team members

Our collaborators

ITC Faculty

Slovak Academy of Sciences

University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy Kosice

Technical University of Kosice