Understand the role of climate change, and manage the impact of climate change on pollen allergy burden
Pollen can lead to severe health problems, including allergic rhinitis. Due to an earlier start of flowering of trees and grasses over the past years, the pollen season is shifting, and the health problems have become less predictable.
To understand the role of climate change in this process, and manage the impact of climate change on pollen allergy burden, a large Dutch project started in January 2022. We will use a Machine Learning approach to develop a model to predict pollen emission based on a 44-year time series, including pollen data from the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. Later in the project, we aim to estimate the allergy burden using various data sources.
Funding and project partners
The project is funded by ZonMW. Project partners involve the health care sector (Leiden University Medical Center, Elkerliek Hospital, Service Pharmacy), governmental organizations working on health (RIVM, GGD Rotterdam), the business sector (Terra Nostra), and universities (Wageningen University, Universiteit Twente).
The University of Twente is involved via the department of Geo-Information Processing (Raul Zurita-Milla, Rosa Aguilar and Ellen-Wien Augustijn).
more information
For more information about the project contact Ellen-Wien Augustijn