Our world is unsettled. Since 2020, the number of conflicts continues to rise, often involving complex situations. Between July '23 and July '24, one in seven world citizens encountered political violence, according to the ACLED (Armed Conflict Location & Event Data project). Such conflicts have profound effects on both the people involved and the global community.
In the musical series Far from my Bed, we provide an artistic perspective on the side effects of serious conflict situations worldwide. The title refers to the Dutch expression “far-from-my-bed-show,” something that happens far away from your world, literally or figuratively. It often proves very difficult to properly empathize with situations of human suffering around us. Something you have not experienced yourself can only be understood to a limited extent. Can we realise through artistic means that an event or situation unfolding outside your ‘bubble’ - far from your own bed - still affects you?
Episode 2
The first episode of Far from My Bed took place June 23 at the City Carillon in the Grote Kerk at the Oude Markt of Enschede. Here the complex conflict in the Palestinian territories and its profound effects on the people involved and the world community was transferred to music and sound. The second part in this series is scheduled for March 20, 2025, 7:15 - 8:00 pm. This time we highlight femicide in Latin America and the impending annexation of Taiwan by China. For this, Esther Schopman collaborates with Taiwanese sound artist Lena C., Latin American composer Pedro Coloma and Enschede poet Regine Hilhorst.
Far from my Bed II will take place around the Campus Carillon at the carillon field of the University of Twente in Enschede. The performance includes perceptive poetry by Regine Hilhorst, a compilation of two folk songs for carillon, and two compositions written especially for this occasion. The program starts with Música para Latinoamérica, a composition for carillon solo by Pedro Coloma. The program concludes with Before the Tide Surges, a composition by Lena C. for sound samples, electronic synthesis and carillon. The carillon will be played by Esther Schopman.
About the creators
Lena C. is a Taiwanese sound artist based in Enschede, Netherlands. She explores sound and interdisciplinary art through artistic research as well as live performance and free improvisation in electronic music, composition for visual art and installations. Her research interests revolve around themes of relationality between individuals and natural phenomena, posthumanism, and the influence of technology and media on human experience. In terms of tools, she uses modular synthesizers, field recording samples and Max/MSP to create ambient and experimental sound with unique textures, ranging from gentle immersion to intensive dynamic.
Pedro Coloma is a Chilean composer mainly focused on film music, currently getting a degree in Composition for Film and Theater in ArtEZ University of the Arts (Arnhem, NL). His autonomous works include pieces for orchestra, carillon, piano, string quartet, chamber ensembles and electronics. Aside from his autonomous works he has written music for films and animations.
Regine Hilhorst is a theatre-maker, actor, writer, poet, singer and teacher. She is allergic to rigid constraints, doors slammed shut and notorious know-it-alls. Regine makes musical theatre about social themes such as diversity, pigeonholing and polarisation for education, various museums and the private sector. As a poet and writer, she tries to translate big themes into small recognisable everyday situations. Regine writes poetry, creates commissioned theatre, was city poet of Enschede from 2013 to 2015, and has written several books. See further: www.reginehilhorst.com
Esther Schopman is city carillonist of Enschede and campus carillonist of the University of Twente. She is also coordinator, researcher and coach at the Sound City platform of the Master of Music (ArtEZ University of the Arts), where artistic research is carried out linked to societal themes and in collaboration with specific target groups and / or societal organisations.
With thanks to
This second episode of Far from my Bed was made possible by the Culture Fund (FKCIPO), the Franssen Fund, Small Support Foundation, University Fund Twente, ArtEZ University of the Arts (Master of Music & the lectureship Theory in the Arts) and Enschede Carillon Society.