Home ITCPhD Defence Habtamu Guja Bayu | Towards a healthier food system for rural Ethiopia: Integrating food production, diets and nutrition

PhD Defence Habtamu Guja Bayu | Towards a healthier food system for rural Ethiopia: Integrating food production, diets and nutrition

Towards a healthier food system for rural Ethiopia: Integrating food production, diets and nutrition

The PhD defence of Habtamu Guja Bayu will take place in the Waaier Building of the University of Twente and can be followed by a live stream.
Live Stream

Habtamu Guja Bayu is a PhD student in the Department of Earth Observation Science. (Co)Promotors are prof.dr.ir. A. Stein and dr. M. Belgiu from the Faculty ITC and dr. K. Yimam from the Addis Ababa University.