Home ITCJustice and Risk in Geodata Research

Justice and Risk in Geodata Research Public Lecture by prof. Linnet Taylor

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, the lecture on November 28th has been cancelled. The new date for this lecture is December 12th from 11:00 – 12:30 in LA 2105. If you have previously registered for the original event on the 28th, please re-register for the new date. We apologise for the inconvenience

Justice and Risk in Geodata Research
Date: December 12th
Time: 11:00 – 12:30 
Room: LA 2105

This lecture is given by Professor Linnet Taylor, one of the leading scholars in Critical Data Studies whose work is focused on questions of Global Data and Machine Learning Justice. The lecture will explore the intersections between social justice and geodata research and use. What kind of justice issues come up in geodata research and practice? What does it mean to decolonize this field? Is it possible to translate work on technology and data ethics to geodata research?

This lecture is part of GeoTechE  - a new blended-learning course about geodata technology ethics. Offering a unique combination of ethics and critical theory, the course is an opportunity to learn from international scholars about emerging issues related to geotechnologies and the geosciences. The online course will be available on Geoversity.

Register now for this event on 12 December!
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