The DronoBox Workshop is an initiative from A3T, the student Drone Team from Twente
The DronoBox workshop is an open-source initiative by A3T to teach UAV technology to anyone. During a workshop, a participant learns how to build a drone! The fundamentals of flight theory of multirotor, the basic components required to build one, how to assemble these parts and make the final assembly fly are explained, all in only 3 hours
To recap the DronoBox workshop and cover all the important points:
● The workshop covers the theory and practice of multirotor (drones) technology
● It is open to all ITC students, no matter the background
● It takes 3 hours to conduct - But it can be shortened to 1h (not as much detailed)
● And of course, it's a lot of fun!
You can find more information about the DronoBox workshop and A3T, the Aerobotic Tech Team Twente, on their website.