Courses and research

During your Master’s in Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (GEO), you will collect a total of 120 EC within two years. In addition to the three mandatory courses of the Master’s, you will take four specialisation courses and elective courses. You can also do an optional internship and complete your studies by writing your master’s thesis.

Master's Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation

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University of Twente | Faculty ITC

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Compulsory courses

Mandatory courses for all students of the Master’s.

25 EC

Specialisation courses

Mandatory courses for all students of the specialisation in Geoinformatics.

28 EC

Followed by one of the following courses:

Elective course

You can choose a course that matches your interests and career ambitions.

7 EC

Some examples of elective courses you can take are:




Individual study programme 

15 EC

In the second year, you can personalise your individual study programme by doing an internship or taking elective courses.

MSc research proposal and MSc research

45 EC

You will complete your Master’s in GEO by writing a master’s thesis. Your research theme is defined by the research group that is part of the respective specialisation. In Geoinformatics, you can choose to conduct your research within  the research groups ACQUAL or STAMP.

Total EC

120 EC


Do you want more information about these courses?
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In the second year of your Master’s in Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, you can apply the knowledge and skills you have acquired during your studies by doing an internship at a national mapping agency, aerospace centre, national meteorological institute, research institute, or non-governmental organisation in the Netherlands or abroad. ITC has a broad network of organisations where you can do your internship project.

Examples of internships that students have done are:

Discover the exciting internship options at ITC!

Join us on a journey as we follow two Master students, Carolina Pereira Marghidan and John Ifejube, during their internships at the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) at the University of Twente. Get ready to witness the impactful work they're doing in their respective placements and gain a glimpse into the future that awaits you as a prospective student. Watch the video!

Master's thesis

You will complete your Master’s by writing your Master’s thesis. Your research will be part of the research group ACQUAL or STAMP and you will write your thesis under the supervision of one of the professors in that research group. You can, for example, focus on applying different spatial analysis methods to analyse and help policymakers respond to disease outbreaks and epidemics. Another key area in which you can focus your MSc research is to measure air pollution in an urban area.

In your master’s thesis, you can undertake research projects such as:
  • How to improve management of safety-related assets and road infrastructure through deep learning using 3D point clouds?
  • Developing methodologies to improve hazard assessment and reduce community vulnerability by exploiting indigenous knowledge, toponyms, and scientific expert knowledge.
  • Modelling of crime rate at the neighbourhood level on the basis of street view images using convolutional neural networks and transfer learning.