M. Nijhuis

Mariya's story

Embracing Diversity to solve wicked problems.

I am thrilled to share my journey and experience with ITC. My name is Mariya, and I am from India. Currently, I am in my first year at the Faculty of ITC pursuing a Master of Science in Spatial Engineering. My background is in Geography, and I hold a Master’s degree in Geoinformatics from Birla Institute of Technology, India. My interest in Geospatial sciences began with my first internship at the Kerala State Disaster Management Authority, which ultimately led me to the faculty of ITC for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation.

I was drawn by ITC's reputation for excellence and its emphasis on applying technology to address real-world problems. Receiving the ITC Scholarship for Spatial Engineering, opened a door full of opportunities. The scholarship not only helped me financially but also developed a sense of responsibility to contribute meaningfully to the field.

As an interdisciplinary program, Spatial Engineering offers the best opportunities to develop the technical and project management skills that I aspire to in this field. The diversity within the programme brings different perspectives from around the world into solving a wicked problem. I have a keen interest in the field of disaster management. I come from Idukki district in Kerala, known for its misty hills and valleys covered with wildlife sanctuaries and spice plantations. In recent years places across the world including my hometown have been affected by climate change and various natural disasters. Unpredictable downpours, extreme temperatures and landslides are becoming frequent phenomena. Geospatial technologies play a significant part in monitoring and reducing the impacts of these hazards. I could not think of another place other than ITC to develop a deeper understanding of the rising challenges posed by climate change and other factors.

As I move forward in my studies my goal is to use the knowledge and skills gained to bring a positive change in the world. I am excited to further explore the applications of geospatial technologies in analysing the Indirect risks caused by disasters. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the ITC community and eagerly await the opportunities that lie ahead in my career.