Home ITCAlumniAlumni NewsMeet our new ITC Student Association Board (2023)

Meet our new ITC Student Association Board (2023)

We have a new Student Association Board at ITC. In this article, all new members introduce themselves. Also, we spoke with last years SAB members Michael Batame and Ahmed Hemoudi and asked them to reflect on their time as respectively SAB president and SAB resident commissioner. The SAB is the representative body for all students at ITC. Their mission is to provide an on-going connection between the student body and ITC management. Their aim is to make the experience for the students at ITC as enjoyable and rewarding as possible.

Belise Dusabe, President

Hi, I am Belise Dusabe, from a country of a thousand hills called Rwanda. I am reliable and an everyday avid learner. I thrive from the inner motivation of self and others and I like to conversate with people from different backgrounds. I believe there are always two sides of a coin, hence I get to learn from others and try to view things from a different angle. Currently, I am specializing in Geoinformatics and am passionate about educating the next generation of technology users and innovators. Drawing from past leadership experiences I hope to serve, engage, and champion the welfare of ITC students. In my free time, I like to consume humorous content, exercise, or go on an adventure.   

Sally Sampson, Vice President, and General Secretary

Hi all, my name is Sally Sampson from Ghana. I had my bachelor’s in development planning and got so hooked on cities that I decided to take a master’s in urban planning and management specialization here at ITC. One thing you would almost always find me doing is listening to music. I love hanging out with friends taking long walks (not so much now, with the Dutch weather), and cooking. (I study too, I promise). I do my best to find balance, because ITC can get intense, so I always schedule time out in the week for fun and for my mental health! I am excited to take up the vice president position, because I can be part of a team that actively helps in making lives better for our not so small international community here at ITC. I intend to leverage my experiences in past leadership positions to bring my best foot forward and I hope to have an amazing time engaging with all of you! 

Gaurav Kumar Singh, Sports Commissioner

I'm Gaurav Singh from India, and I'm working as a sports commissioner at SAB-ITC right now. I feel lucky to be a part of SAB-ITC, and I know that the experiences I will get here will be precious and beneficial to the development of my complete personality. As a sports commissioner, it will be fun to plan different sporting activities at ITC, and ITC's desire to win the trophy will drive me forward. These tasks will require a lot of cooperation and coordination, which we can only achieve with the help of the other SAB members. Working together, we can plan all the events efficiently.

A few words from Michael Batame

Former SAB President Michael Batame is currently doing his internship in Ghana and working on his thesis. "For as the saying goes "whatever that has a beginning has an end” and so has its reality come to pass. Without any iota of doubt, I must say, occupying the SAB President position has been a privilege and a learning curve for me, and I am proud of keeping the SAB flame burning and its flag flying high", says Michael. "The Teacher of the Year, the International Food Festival, the ITC Sports Day, and the International Evening were some of the achievements chalked under my leadership. I wish the new SAB all the best! Always remember the secret is doing your best and serving with a clear conscience. Have an amazing year ahead!"

Ilya Gorbunov, Social & Gender commissioner

Hi! My name is Ilya Gorbunov. I was born in Russia but grew up in Spain. I have come to the UT three years ago to obtain a bachelor in civil engineering. Now, I am pursuing a Master degree in Spatial Engineering. My ambition is to be able to use my knowledge and abilities to increase the wellbeing of all beings as much as I can. In my free time I like to bike, workout, read and play guitar. 

Tahmida Sarker Muna, Academic Commissioner

Hi, this is Tahmida Sarker Muna. I’m currently enrolled in the M-GEO program with a specialization in Water resource and Environmental Management and working as the ongoing Academic Commissioner of SAB-ITC 2023.  Hope to have a fun and impactful journey with the other board member of SAB. 

Prince Boateng, Residence Commissioner

Hi! I am Prince Boateng. I am from Ghana. In 2019, I served as the city campus Representative for the Geography and Resource Student Association at the University of Ghana. I am here to offer the best of my service as the Residence Commissioner for the SAB. 

A few words from Ahmed Hemoudi

Former SAB resident commissioner Ahmed Hemoudi looks back on a "fabulous and exciting journey". Reflecting on his SAB time in 2022, he says "I interacted with friends from different cultural backgrounds. This allowed me to arrange many events and activities that I am proud of. Respecting and accepting each other's culture, religions, and ideas is key to having a beautiful journey like ours. Most importantly, SAB members represent all ITC students, so please do your best for them."


I am Sachinthani Weeranayake, from Sri Lanka. I graduated from the Faculty of Science at the University of Peradeniya with a Bachelor's of Science Special degree in Geology. I like exploring, walking, nature, rocks, and sleeping. Working in an international environment with different cultural perspectives will be a new experience for me. I work as the Finance Commissioner in SAB 2023. I am excited to work in this international environment and I will fulfil my responsibilities as best I can. 


Hallo! I'm Salsa from Indonesia. I am currently doing M-GEO specializing in Natural Hazard and Disaster Risk Reduction. As the Communication Officer, I'll try my best to keep you updated on what's happening at ITC.