Home ITCAlumni70 years of ITCSchermerhorn Lecture 2016

Schermerhorn Lecture 2016

Schermerhorn lecture 2016

Daniel E. Irwin, Director of SERVIR (NASA)
SERVIR: Connecting Space to Village through Capacity Development at RegionalGeospatial Hubs around the World.

 Daniel Irwin (year of birth 1968) is the founder and Director of SERVIR—a joint NASA and US Agency for International Development (USAID) program, with activities in over 40 countries throughout Central America, Eastern and Southern Africa, West Africa, the Hindu Kush Himalaya, and lower Mekong regions. Through the SERVIR program, NASA and USAID partner with, and set up “hubs” at regional science-based organizations around the world to provide critical information and support services to help national, regional and local governments, forecasters, climatologists and other researchers track environmental changes, evaluate ecological threats and rapidly respond to and assess damage from natural disasters.

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