Home ITCAlumni70 years of ITCITC research quality increases

ITC research quality increases

The overall quantity and quality of research conducted at the ITC Faculty has risen over the past three years, according to a recent review committee report.

Compared to figures in 2006, the quality has vastly improved. Over the past three years, the ITC has changed from a training institution with limited research activities into an institution where research plays a vital role, alongside education and training, said the review committee.

On average the faculty scored four points out of five on all assessment criteria.  In recent years, the number of publications in scientific journals has increased but with the vast number of researchers who are contracted as permanent staff, the committee felt there should actually be more publications.

The report recommended that over the next five years the faculty should develop a strategy for education, research and funding for the long term. There are more external resources required and the faculty should try to find a way how to integrate the PhD program into the UT Graduate School.

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