Home ITCAlumni70 years of ITCVisit to the UN Headquarters

Prof.Dr.Ir. Willem Schermerhorn visits the UN Headquarters

Prof.Dr.Ir. Willem Schermerhorn visits the UN Headquarters in Lake Success to advise on the use of cartography for UN purposes. He is asked whether he envisages establishing a training centre for aerial survey in the Netherlands. By the end of the year his ideas for a training centre have become part of the Dutch Programme for Technical Assistance.

On the photo from left to right: Prof Randall (assistent Secretary General UN), Prof Wright (US Congress/Survey and Mapping), Capt Hemple (USA Representative UGGJ), Capt. Reading (USA Representative ISP) Brig. Brown (UK expert), Mr Durant (UN Secretary), Prof Schermerhorn (Expert), Dr Simonpietri (USA representative Panamerican Institute) and Dr Tshang (UN Secretary). 
[Source: 60 years of ITC, The International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, Nil Disco (2010)]