The Sentinel EO4SD-Toolbox is a stand-alone application (developed under Python 36 – however using ILWIS Objects) facilitating the import of images acquired by the Sentinel suite of satellites and transforms the images in a format so it can be ingested in ILWIS and QGIS, free GIS-RS software tools, for further (image) processing.
The toolbox is developed to support education and research in geo‐sciences under an ESA sponsored project, called EO4SD for Water Resources Management ( The Toolbox requires a 64 bits Windows Operating System.
The toolbox developed supports the import and pre-processing of Sentinel 1 A/B Level 1C Ground Range Detected Geo-Referenced Products, Sentinel 2 A/B Level 1C Multi Spectral Imager spectral channels and True Colour Image, Sentinel 3 Level 1 Ocean and Land Imager (OLCI) and Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) spectral channels and Sentinel 3, Level 2 Land and Marine products, like Land Surface Temperature and Sea Surface Temperature. For level 2 Marine products also those provided through the Copernicus Online Data Access portal and EUMETCast (for OLCI and SLSTR) are supported. Data processed using SNAP can be translated as well. Within version 2, the Level 1B and a number of level 2 products from Sentinel 5P have been added, like Carbon Monoxide (CO), Formaldehyde (HCHO), Methane (CH4), Nitrogen Oxide (NO2) and Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), together with an option to import their quality masks.
A link to the installation and user manual can be found here:
Sentinel EO4SD Toolbox Manual V2
The Sentinel EO4SD Toolbox Graphical User Interface through which the user can make the selection of the satellite product to be ingested.