Lead: Bob Su (Uni. Twente)
Participate: Uni. Naples, Uni. Basilicata, CAR-HAS, TAU, UPVTask 6.1 iAqueduct toolbox
Task 6.1 iAqueduct toolbox
The results of analysis in previous WPs will be integrated into a library as the iAqueduct toolbox which consists of water flow processes in relations to the models, soil and vegetation parametrizations and soil parameters as well as forcing fields. The existing open–source software system MajiSys water information system at University of Twente will serve as the integration platform. Such a toolbox will then be used for robust application (incl. machine learning algorithms) to other sites and also for use by stakeholders (See WP5 and WP6).
- Soil moisture downscaling
The following link is a demo on downscaling raster images, which is a preliminary result of the iAqueduct modelling and processing development. The demo will open in a new tab. http://iaqueduct.itc.utwente.nl/iaqueduct/
- TETIS model
The following link is a demo on the TETIS model. It will eventually become part of the iAqueduct Toolbox. The demo will open in a new tab. http://iaqueduct.itc.utwente.nl/tetis/
Task 6.2 Case studies
Figure Drought analysis and risk assessment