Jing Liu winner 2018 Travel Award The 2018 Travel Award sponsored by Remote Sensing was granted to PhD student Jing Liu

The 2018 Travel Award sponsored by Remote Sensing was granted to Jing Liu, PhD student, Faculty ITC of the University of Twente.

Jing Liu is a double-badged PhD student between University of Twente and RMIT University. She is conducting PhD research on “Mapping forest  structure using LiDAR technology” supervised by Professor Andrew Skidmore and Dr. Tiejun Wang, in Natural Resources Department. In particular, Jing studied the horizontal and vertical distribution of forest biophysical variables such as leaf area index and leaf inclination angle, clumping and terrain effects interfering with such retrievals.

MDPI Remote Sensing granted two travel awards, each consists of 800 Swiss Francs to attend an academic conference in 2018.