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Region: Europe

Description: OBSGESSION was born with a mission to pioneer a transformative approach, combining diverse data sources and ecological models, to monitor, predict, and address biodiversity changes in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Through robust science-policy links we also aim to support EU and international biodiversity directives, goals, and policy. The vision is to facilitate action to prevent and reverse biodiversity decline by integrating Earth Observation methods, in-situ data, ecological models, and uncertainty estimations while delivering solutions for the monitoring and management of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. The main goal is to advance the understanding of direct and indirect drivers of biodiversity change through cutting-edge data integration and modeling, addressing science-policy gaps, supporting conservation planning, and sharing knowledge with international and EU stakeholders in ecosystem and biodiversity management.

Partners: Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), University of Twente (UTWENTE), Lund University (LUND), Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), Wageningen Research (WR), French National Centre for Scientific, Research (CNRS), Pensoft Publishers (PENSOFT), Brockmann Geomatics Sweden (BG), Brockmann Consult (BC), University of Zurich (UZH), World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC).

Sponsor: European Commission


prof.dr. A.K. Skidmore (Andrew)
Full Professor
dr. M. Huesca Martinez (Margarita)
Assistant Professor