Region: the Netherlands
Description: How do changes in biodiversity and climate affect each other in Dutch landscapes? That question is at the heart of the COMBINED project. In addition COMBINED will synthesize the effects of existing management measures and identify what barriers stand in the way of implementing successful measures. In this project, 24 Dutch societal organizations and knowledge institutes team up for six years. Project website will follow!
Partners: The COMBINED project 'Combatting biodiversity loss and improving climate change resilience through evidence-based, integrated, and adaptive landscape governance in the Netherlands' is led by Prof. Wieteke Willemen of University of Twente together with University of Utrecht, Wageningen University, HAS Green Academy, and partners from Leiden University, Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein, Naturalis, InHolland, Hanzehogeschool Groningen, AERES, PBL, Natuurmonumenten, Staatsbosbeheer, Municipality of Groningen, Municipality of The Hague, Urgenda, LTO Nederland, BoerenNatuur, Landgoed Twickel, LandschappenNL, Province of Gelderland, Province of Utrecht, Bij12, FrieslandCampina.
Sponsor: NWO