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WISER: Well-Being in a Sustainable Economy Revisited

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Description: The focus on economic growth as an instrument to lead societies towards sustainable high well-being is increasingly problematic, as increased Gross Domestic Product (GDP) does not necessarily equate to improved subjective well-being. WISER aims to create a new economic development framework that balances current well-being without compromising the future. In this project, one aim is to identify non-economic drivers, including urban green and blue spaces, that increase sustainable well-being, leaving no person and place behind through quantitative and qualitative research and case studies emphasizing lessons learnt, e.g. in Africa. Engagement with stakeholders is key, and the relevance of resulting recommendations which will be processed into a dashboard and guidebook supporting decision-making. 

Partners: ITC-PGM, More than 20 partners are teaming up for this project, details can be found here.

Sponsor: European Union 
