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Piloting a co-design approach for climate-sensitive blue and green spaces with vulnerable urban populations

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Description: Blue and green spaces hold many benefits for human health, particularly in the context of climate change. They provide cooling effects and reduce air pollution, and safeguard mental and social wellbeing. The most disadvantaged parts of the population often miss out on nature’s benefits due to a lack of such spaces nearby and barriers related to infrastructure, stigma, and lack of involvement in planning processes. We aim to counteract these barriers by considering their needs and including them in urban planning processes. We use geoinformation systems and artificial intelligence for visualizing and exploring potential changes to the city landscape, and involve these population groups, as well as decision-makers, in a participatory co-design approaches.

Partners:  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, UrbanistAI

Sponsor: VU-UT Collaboration Fund

Website: not yet available


Bep Schrammeijer, Thomas van Rompay, Willemine Willems