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Don’t predict what the weather will be, but what it will do

With one foot in the ITC faculty and the other in the Red Cross, Professor Marc van den Homberg and his Princess Margriet Chair are in the epicentre of global disaster relief. He recently held his inaugural lecture in the presence of several dignitaries, including Princess Margriet and Pieter van Vollenhoven. 'Predict and mitigate the consequences of natural disasters.'

Three days a week, he is Scientific Lead at 510, a part of the Dutch Red Cross. 'The number 510 is a reference to the earth’s total surface area: 510 million square kilometres. That indicates our focus: to help Red Cross societies worldwide to accelerate and improve humanitarian aid,' explains Van den Homberg. The other two working days he supervises research at the UT. 'My work here is twofold. We are working on both anticipation of natural disasters and mitigation of them through natural solutions.'

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