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Unlocking Geothermal Energy Potential in the EU

Associate Professor Juan Carlos Afonso, from the AES Department within the ITC Faculty, WAS an invited speaker and panelist at the international geothermal conference "Unlocking Geothermal Energy Potential in the EU" Hosted in Poznan, Poland.

The conference brought together policymakers, ministers, entrepreneurs and geothermal experts from across Europe and Iceland. The event was organised by Professor Zdzisław Krasnodębski, a distinguished member of the European Parliament.

The focal point of the conference was the exploration of EU policy and the prospects for further development of geothermal energy in Europe, along with its diverse applications. Attendees delved into crucial discussions surrounding legislative frameworks, funding initiatives, and technological advancements aimed at harnessing the vast geothermal potential within the continent. View the discussion via a recording of the full event here.

Associate Professor Juan Carlos Afonso speaking at the conference.

Against this backdrop, Afonso, also the coordinator of the Marie Sklodowska-Cure Doctoral Network EarthSafe, delivered a compelling presentation on EarthSafe's vision for advancing superhot geothermal energy in Europe and beyond. Drawing upon his expertise in the field, Afonso underscored the transformative role of superhot geothermal energy as a sustainable and practically inexhaustible source of base-load electricity. He discussed the evidence provided by case-studies in Iceland and the USA, and referred to the recent and groundbreaking techno-economic report by the Clean Air Task Force (CATF), which elucidates the remarkable potential of superhot geothermal energy. The report, a testament to collaborative efforts between Afonso and CATF, highlights the viability of superhot geothermal as a green energy solution capable of meeting Europe's escalating electricity demands while mitigating carbon emissions.

Realising a sustainable energy future

Throughout the conference, attendees gained invaluable insights into pivotal European projects aimed at unlocking the full potential of geothermal energy. From innovative drilling technologies to ambitious renewable energy targets, the discourse underscored the collective commitment towards realising a sustainable energy future for Europe and beyond.

As the curtains closed on the conference, Professor Krasnodębski's referred to Afonso's impassioned advocacy for geothermal energy and its role in the Energy Transition; it echoed in the minds of attendees and ignited a renewed sense of urgency and determination to embrace the boundless possibilities of geothermal energy in Europe's transition towards a greener tomorrow.

For more information about the Marie Sklodowska-Cure Doctoral Network EarthSafe please contact Associate Professor Juan Carlos Afonso

dr. J.C. Afonso (Juan Carlos)
Associate Professor