Nepal Disaster Resilience Event Thursday 17th of April

Natural hazards are increasingly common threats for vulnerable houses and citizens of countries from the global south. Over 1 billion people in the global south live are vulnerable to hazards due to the lack of coping mechanisms of poorly built houses in highly exposed areas. Nepal is the 4th most vulnerable country in the world, and is frequently impacted by floods, earthquakes and landslides. 

During this event, we share the latest insights that contribute to the resilience of Nepal. We will discuss the latest hazard modeling and forecasting techniques, our understanding of post-disaster reconstruction after flood and earthquake affected areas and the development of disaster resilient urban development. Panel members from the University of Twente and Tribhuvan University share their insights based on their continued engagement in research and development projects in Nepal. Each panel starts with a short introduction by the panel members and includes space of interaction with the audience and between the panel members. Join us and learn how different efforts contribute to the disaster resilience of Nepal! 


12:00 - 12:45 



12:45 -13:00 

Welcome - Introduction of the day 

Ashok Dahal & Eefje Hendriks 

13:00 - 14:00 

Hazard modeling and forecasting 

Ashok Dahal, Cees van Westen, Sahara Sedhain 

14:00 - 14:15 

Coffee break 


14:15 - 15:15 

Post disaster reconstruction 

Barsha Shrestha, Eefje Hendriks, Alberto Martinetti 

15:15 - 15:30 

Coffee break 


15:30 - 16:30 

Disaster Resilient Urban Development 

Sanjaya Upreti, Babu Ram Bhandari 

16:30 - 17:30 

Poster session & drinks 

Garbhit Naik, Floris Engeln, Luc Meulenbroek, Aditya Pradana, Sry Handini Puteri, Humanitarian Engineering 

Nepal Disaster Resilience Event Thursday 17th of April