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Change the climate – change the dialogue symposium

Change the climate – change the dialogue symposium

Save the date: 25 October 2024

The acceptance and adoption of new geo-technological advances for cleaner energy production and the mitigation of increased risk from climate extremes, relies on effective engagement, communication and relationship building between diverse stakeholders. Mass media communication also plays a strong role in shaping public perception and opinion, steering policy decision making.

This one-day, hybrid international symposium at the University of Twente aims to build new cross-sector and cross-discipline relationships, bringing together media professionals, scientists, communication specialists, engineers, social scientists, students, policy makers, artists, industry, community groups and citizen scientists. Through knowledge sharing and ideas on effective communication and engagement strategies and practices we will explore holistic geo-techno-social approaches for climate solutions.

  • Date: 25 October 2024
  • Time: 10.00 – 16:30 hours (coffee from 09.30)
  • In person: University of Twente, Langezijds, Room 2105
  • Online: link provided during registration

Registration coming soon

Organising Team:
Dr. Heather Handley, Associate Professor Volcanic Hazards and Geoscience Communication, Department of Applied Earth Sciences, ITC.
Dr. Anne M. Dijkstra, Assistant Professor in Science Communication, Communication Science Department, BMS.
Dr. Janneke Ettema, Assistant Professor in Climate Science and Natural hazards, Comenius Senior Fellow, Department of Applied Earth Sciences, ITC.
Prof. Iain Stewart, El Hassan Research Chair in Sustainability, Royal Scientific Society in Jordan; UNESCO Chair in Geoscience and Society.

The symposium is funded by a University of Twente Climate Centre Consolidator Grant