Lead: Nunzio Romano (Uni. Naples)
Participate: Uni. Twente, UPV, SLU
This WP concerns the retrieval of field/grid specific scaling functions (task 3.1) and their generalization (task 3.2).
Task 3.1 Field/grid specific scaling functions between soil moisture and evapotranspiration:
Figure. (a) Koeppen–Geiger climate classifications across the WaPOR domain of the Africa and the Middle-East; (b) Mean Actual Evapotranspiration (AET) versus root zone relative soil moisture (i.e., saturation degree) stratified by the Koeppen–Geiger climate classifications (Su et al. 2020, Water).
Figure: sand fraction (left) and clay fraction (right) of Alento MFC2 catchment
Figure. STEMMUS model to be applied over Alento MFC2 catchment (https://blog.utwente.nl/stemmus/)
Task 3.2 Generalizing scaling functions between soil moisture and evapotranspiration
Figure. The coupled STEMMUS-SCOPE model will be applied over iAqueduct study sites, the output of which will be used for generalizing the scaling function (Wang, et al. 2021, GMD).