About the GEO Ethics Committee

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About the GEO Ethics Committee

The Faculty Board of the Faculty ITC has established a Geo-Information Science domain ethics committee. This committee is one of four domain-specific ethics committees at the University of Twente, as outlined in the UT Research Ethics Policy (2019). The goal of the GEO Ethics Committee (GEO EC) is to ensure that the our (geo)research is compliant with relevant ethical principles, norms, and standards by conducting quality geo-ethical review procedures. Geo-ethics involves research and reflection on the values that underpin appropriate behaviour and practice wherever human activities interact with the geospher . As such, the GEO EC addresses the ethical, social, and cultural implications of Earth (Observation) and Geo-Information Sciences education, research, and practice, providing a point of intersection for (Geo)spatial sciences, Urban and Rural Studies, Sociology, Economy, and Environmental sciences. 

Contact|  ethicscommittee-GEO@utwente.nl


The GEO Ethics Committee focuses primarily on conducting ethical review procedures for Earth (observation) and Geo-Information Science research, mainly covering:

To do so, the GEO EC employs the following activities:

(For further information, see Faculty Regulations of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation Article 10f)


Former members

House Rules of the GEO Ethics Committee

The 'House Rules of the GEO Ethics Committee' provide comprehensive details on the structure and functioning of the GEO Ethics Committee. If you have questions on how the GEO EC works, including, but not limited to, the review process, the frequency of committee meetings, and other similar questions, this document contains all this information.

M. Shariat MSc (Masoome)
Research Support Officer