Inaugural Lecture Prof. dr. Marc van den Homberg Friday, 29 November 2024

The Rector Magnificus announces that Marc van den Homberg, appointed by the Executive Board of the University of Twente as Professor of Data for Disaster Resilience at the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), will give his inaugural lecture in the Waaier building on Friday 29 November 2024 at 16:00 to mark the occasion of his appointment. The lecture will cover the chair’s three research areas of the strategic collaboration between ITC and the Netherlands Red Cross: Improving the quality of risk and impact data, Trigger models for anticipatory action (preparedness), and Selecting, monitoring, and building evidence for nature-based solutions (prevention).


(The lecture will be held in English)

The Rector Magnificus kindly invites you to attend this event. Before the inaugural lecture, coffee and tea will be served in the foyer of the Waaier building (from 3PM on). You may offer your congratulations after the lecture.

Programm for the day :

Location: Langezijds building (rooms 2101+2105), Hallenweg 8, 7522 NH Enschede

10:30-13:30 a workshop on “Disastrous Information: Embedding ‘do no harm principles in innovative geo-intelligence workflows for effective humanitarian action . The workshop starts with a keynote presentation from Michael Scheibenreif from UNICEF and the African Drone Data Academy, followed by presentations from Brian Masinde and Rogers Alunge Alunge Nnangsope, both from ITC, on addressing privacy, bias, and fairness challenges arising from geodata and AI (10:30-12:00). The presentations are followed by a session where participants rotate across tables for an interactive discussion on topics such as value sensitive design for drone use and humanitarian geodata triage in practice.  Lunch will be served during this interactive part (12:00-13:00). The workshop will close with a curated panel led by Caroline Gevaert and Michael Nagenborg from ITC (13:00-13:30).

 Location: Waaier building (room Waaier 2 (Breedveldzaal)), Hallenweg 25, 7522 NH Enschede:

14:00-15:30 a panel on the role of data in anticipating and getting ahead of disasters while accelerating humanitarian action.

  • Jean-Martin Bauer, World Food Program, Director, Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Service and author of The New Breadline
  • Dr Ahmed Amdihun, Intergovernmental Authority on Development Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC), Programme Coordinator IGAD Disaster Risk Management  Programme,  
  • Jelle de Jong, Executive Director World Wildlife Fund-The Netherlands
  • Dr Marleen de Ruiter, Assistant Professor in multi-hazard risk, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

15:30-16:00 coffee and tea are served.

16:00-17:00 inaugural lecture Marc van den Homberg

17:00-19:00 reception