ITC Geospatial Computing Platform is operational since January 2021 and currently serves more than 270 people, with 5-20 concurrent users performing analysis tasks. The platform provides a user-friendly cloud-based interactive interface for data analysis and visualisation with hundreds of ready-to-use scientific and geospatial analysis software packages, including desktop applications (e.g. QGIS, R Studio).
This short online training workshop aims to provide in-depth information on the architecture, capabilities, and limitations of the Geospatial Computing Platform ( Available computing resources and core platform components will be explained. Interactive notebook, terminal, and remote desktop interfaces will be demonstrated with different use cases. Best practices for data management and research environment customization (e.g. installing new software packages) will be described. Services integrated to the platform (e.g. PostgreSQL, Geoserver) will be explained and demonstrated.
At the end of the training, you will have a better understanding on how the platform works and how you can use its capabilities for education, research, and capacity development activities.
Prerequisites: None
Please fill-in the form available through the registration link below to register one of the two identical sessions. Meeting links will be send on 17 May to the registered participants.
- Session 1: 18 May, 13:30 - 15:30
- Session 2: 20 May, 13:30 - 15:30
For more information, please contact to dr. ing. Serkan Girgin MSc (