AWS Training on Cloud-based Geospatial Computing

Do you want to attend the training?

Cloud computing offers immense potential for processing and analyzing geospatial data at scale, enabling faster and more efficient workflows with large amounts of satellite imagery, vector data, and other spatial datasets. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a suite of services that are particularly well-suited for geospatial workflows. This training is designed to introduce participants the key AWS services used in geospatial workflows, such as EC2 for scalable computing, S3 for data storage, SageMaker for building and training machine learning models, and the AWS Open Data Registry for accessing geospatial datasets. Through practical examples and hands-on sessions, participants will learn how to design, implement, and optimize geospatial workflows using AWS while understanding the underlying architecture and best practices for managing cloud-based resources, including pricing. 

This workshop organized by the  Center of Expertise in Big Geodata Science (CRIB) in collaboration with AWS Netherlands, will cover the following aspects: 

A. High-level introduction, including: 

B. Practical hands-on sessions, including: 

Participants must have access to a computer with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system (not a tablet, Chromebook, etc.) that they have administrative privileges on. 


4 February 2024 (One Day Training) 


ITC Building, Room LA-2310
Hallenweg 8, 7522 NH Enschede


We expect the participant to have a working knowledge of Python and have had exposure to the command line (Command Prompt/Terminal).


Registration is required to attend the workshop, which is open to all UT staff and students

The capacity is limited to 40 people. In case of more registrations, the participants will be selected randomly, considering the balance between staff and students, and giving priority to ITC participants.

Registration is closed.


Yevgeniy Ilyin
Architect | Cloud Native AI/ML Solutions, AWS
Ezra Papilaja
Account Executive | Public Sector, AWS
A. Adhitya Bhawiyuga (Adhitya)
PhD Candidate
ir. J.H. Gohil MSc (Jay)


09:00 - 12:00

High-level Overview Session

  • Overview of AWS and services relevant to geospatial workflows.
  • Selecting the appropriate AWS services and configurations for geospatial data processing.
  • AWS Education program.

12:00 - 13:00

Lunch Break

13:00 - 16:00

Hands-on Practical Session

  • Setting up a SageMaker environment for geospatial analysis. 
  • Accessing the STAC catalogues data.
  • Performing EO imagery analysis using xarray.
  • Managing outputs by storing intermediate and final data by using AWS services.



For more information or questions, please contact Adhitya Bhawiyuga (