PhD and MSc opportunities within the RANGE project

RANGE (Resilient Approaches in Natural ranGeland Ecosystems) is a new five-year project (2024-2028) funded by the Dutch Embassy in Kenya. It aims to strengthen the resilience of communities in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) in the Isiolo, Marsabit and Samburu counties. This will be achieved through multiple interventions and capacity building activities. The aim is to improve rangeland management, sustainable production methods, strengthened government structures, and better-informed decision making through research and resulting evidence. The project is carried out by Mercy Corps, together with FCDC and the Faculty ITC of the University of Twente in the Netherlands. RANGE also intends to build strong partnerships with other institutions, building upon ongoing local and national initiatives. To learn more about the project, a summary of the RANGE project proposal can be found here.

Capacity building is an integral part of RANGE’s learning agenda on evidence-based decision-making: we aim to ascertain sustainability of practices and data collection/analysis efforts beyond the project lifetime. Therefore, most research activities will be executed through Local Research Partners: these are Masters students (MSc) and Doctoral candidates (PhD) from the three counties (or having significant experience working in those counties) who are committed to making a positive difference to the livelihoods of the ASAL communities. Building on ITC’s strengths, the students will focus on the use of geo-information, Earth observation, and field data collection. We are seeking a cohort that represents the demographic diversity of the ASAL counties and will prioritize young professionals. 

Full scholarships to pursue a full-time MSc or PhD in the field of geo-information and Earth observation through Faculty ITC are available for a limited number of students within RANGE. If you are interested and want to learn more, please click on one of the links below.